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Cycles 2, 3 and Intensive English: Competencies in online learning

In cycles 2 and 3, the three competencies work in synergy. Although the focus is on the competency Interacting orally in English, it is important to develop the other two competencies: Reinvesting understanding of oral and written texts online and Writing texts online.

At the beginning of Cycle 2, students still need support, so activities are mostly led by the teacher. As the years progress, depending on the type of activity, students become more autonomous. It may be more difficult to get students to collaborate with one another in an online setting, but it is possible with appropriate support and modelling.

In Cycle 3, students need less support from the teacher, so it is important to give them the opportunity to collaborate, even online.

In Intensive English, I use subgroups to encourage oral interaction. I used the What Makes Canada Cool? LES and sent them the handouts ahead of time. In small groups, I turned my camera off and let them do the activity. For each small group, we zoomed for about 15 minutes so they could have plenty of time to communicate.

For the C2 and C3 competencies, I am currently doing a unit called “Our Class Trip” and I screen-share. I have had my second working period with students where they work and I am available to take questions. At the end of the unit, as a proper C3 task, there is a “Thank you” letter. Next class, I will explain the task and have them work on Google Classroom or Seesaw.”

Rosalie Sirois, Intensive ESL Teacher, CS des Affluents
Modifié le: lundi, 31 août 2020, 10:46
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